We are proud to announce that we have successfully renewed our Cyber Essentials certification, a government-backed cybersecurity standard that ensures robust protection against cyber threats.
By achieving Cyber Essentials certification, we continue to demonstrate our commitment to the highest degree of cyber security, enhancing our security measures, and complying with industry standards, to instil confidence in our clients by providing a safer digital environment for their valuable data.
About the Cyber Essentials Certification Process:
The Cyber Essentials certification process, backed by the UK Government, involves demonstrating effective cybersecurity measures through an online self-assessment questionnaire. The certification process involves two levels: the basic Cyber Essentials, which is granted to organisations demonstrating effective cybersecurity measures through an online self-assessment questionnaire.
The UK Government developed Cyber Essentials in response to the increasing cyber threats, particularly when it comes to bidding for central government contracts which involve handling sensitive and personal information or the provision of certain technical products and services. As a government supplier, under the Crown Commercial Services and the Scottish Government’s Procurement and Property Directorate, we strive to achieve the highest standards of safety and security to continue to deliver our services through Government supply chain contracts and commercial tenders.
To ensure compliance and certification standards were met, we engaged Assure Technical, an Information Assurance for Small and Medium Enterprises (IASME) Certification Body and a leading cyber security company, to bolster our digital security measures. Their team comprises technical experts from diverse sectors, bringing a wealth of industry experience to the table. We found the process of working with them to be very straightforward and there’s no doubt they’ve helped us improve our approach to information and cyber security.
What does this mean for our clients?
We’re delighted that our approach to security has been acknowledged with Cyber Essentials certification. As this demonstrates our dedication to safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information we control and process. It also provides tangible evidence of our ongoing commitment to ensuring we’re cyber security and GDPR compliant.