Are you going to UX Scotland 2024?

As the sun shines on Edinburgh that can only mean one thing – its UX Scotland time and we are delighted to  be sponsoring this year’s event from the 29th -31st of May 2024. Here are our key highlights for the 3 days of amazing talks and workshops.

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Helping NHS Highland launch a citizen-centred website

Following a competitive tendering process, Factory 73 was engaged to develop a new website for NHS Highland. As long-term partners, we were asked to help ensure a user centred approach was maintained throughout the design and development process.

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A fresh new brand strategy for Family Journeys

We’re incredibly pleased to announce that over the coming months, we’ll be working on a new brand strategy and user-centred design project for Family Journeys. This initiative is part of our commitment to strengthen and support the communities we live in by providing pro-bono services to local charities and public sector organisations.

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Designing and facilitating an engagement event for Sandyford

Sandyford Sexual Health Service wanted to explore key recommendations following a needs assessment of those who support adults with a learning disability on the topic of relationships and sexual health.

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Developing representative and actionable proto-personas for NHS Highland

In the course of a recent project for NHS Highland we were asked to translate ‘discovery’ research into a set of representative and actionable proto-personas.

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Border Crossing UX renews Cyber Essentials certification

We are proud to announce that we have successfully renewed our Cyber Essentials certification, a government-backed cybersecurity standard that ensures robust protection against cyber threats.

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Join us at UX Scotland 2023: A quick guide to the conference

We are excited to announce that we will be sponsoring and exhibiting at UX Scotland 2023. We’ve provided a quick guide on the conference, why you should attend and what you can expect. We hope to see you there!

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New collaborative design project for Sandyford Sexual Health Service

We’re delighted to confirm that we were awarded the contract to design and facilitate an engagement event for the Health Improvement team at Sandyford, a client we first worked with in 2017. We’ve been engaged to facilitate an event that identifies how best to translate the recommendations from a recent Needs Assessment report into an achievable action plan.

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New user experience design project for NHS Highland

We’re incredibly pleased to share that our long-term partners Factory 73 have been awarded the NHS Highland website design and development tender. Border Crossing UX has also been engaged to provide user experience support throughout this 3-phased development process. 

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Meet the team: Our new junior UX designer Catherine MacEwan

We’re delighted to welcome Catherine MacEwan, our new Junior UX Designer. She’s been working closely with the rest of the team to help create artefacts that are both beautiful and usable. We sat down with her to learn more about her background and inspirations.

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Meet the team: Our new Junior Designer Scott Campbell

Scott Campbell joined our team as a Junior Designer in January and has been hard at work creating visually compelling products for our clients. We sat down with him to learn more about what he does, why he decided to join Border Crossing UX and what drives his inspiration.

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8 Positive Facts to Help Get You Through Blue Monday

The 3rd Monday in January is now widely known as ‘Blue Monday’, the most depressing day of the year. So, on a day where it would be easy to get fixated on the negatives, we thought we’d share positive examples of communities, governments, businesses, and individuals coming together to improve the world.

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