As the sun shines on Edinburgh that can only mean one thing – its UX Scotland time and we are delighted to be sponsoring this year’s event!

UX Scotland 2024

Normally UX Scotland happens at the start of June but this year’s UX Scotland has been moved up to May 29th – 31st thanks to a certain global phenomenon (a certain Ms Taylor Swift). But we couldn’t be happier as it means less time to wait for our favourite conference of the year!

Where and when is it?

UX Scotland will be held at the iconic Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh from the 29th – 31st of May 2024.

What to look out for in the Programme for 2024

This year’s the team of organisers have scheduled a jammed packed, knowledge-filled programme of speakers and workshops. That’s why we’re taking the whole team to maximise our learning coverage!

Key highlights we are looking forward to:

Day 1

10.00Jeff Gothelf- 10 Years of Lean UX: Why are we still having the same conversation?

Having an extremely well-read copy of Lean UX and a big believer in adopting OKRs we are looking forward to hearing Jeff!

11.30Katja Forbes: How design can regenerate the Earth

We try to avoid any unintended consequences of the work we do at Border Crossing UX, even forgoing some really cool ideas because they will cause more damage to the planet than good. That is why we’re looking forward to hearing how we can proactively use design for true regeneration.

Also at 11.30Hannah Jump – Designing against distress: A session to collectively develop more ethical design patterns

This looks like an amazing session for people to understand the power and responsibility of a designer and understanding where products and services might be causing more harm than good. Seeing as our approach to sustainable design is ‘To always do more good, than harm’ this is a must see.

14.15Andy Thomson and Sally Rogan – Mission implausible: A mini-discovery in 2 weeks?

Two weeks for discovery!!!! This case study sounds perfect for anyone who needs to kick-off a project rapidly and accelerate their understanding of the challenges to be resolved.

15.45Stu Church and James Chudley – Nature-inspired innovation: Designing the future using lessons from the past

As user-centred designers we have been discussing whether we should see the planet as a user type – this looks like the perfect session to explore that opportunity and learn about frameworks that can deliver good for humans AND the planet.

Day 2

10.00Dan Mall- Design systems Everywhere Else

Design systems save time, money and allow designers to focus on what matters most by reducing tool time and increasing thinking time. That’s why we can’t wait to hear from Dan’s experience of design systems and how teams are building and using them.

11.30Jeroen van Geel- Curiosity unleashed: The key to true innovation

Every single innovation stems from someone asking  a question – Why is it like this? How can we make it better? What could be different? How do we solve this new problem? As a lover of all questions – bar the impertinent ones – this session looks like a great way to learn how to dig deeper and be more curious.

Also at 11.30Suhail Hussain, Tom Burrows, Jack Fletcher – Let’s debate: Does hybrid working actually work in the UK?

As a team who grew during the pandemic and is now distributed between London and Edinburgh we are hoping to get some great insights from the discussion panel on what works, what doesn’t work and how can we implement the right ways of working for the whole team.

14.15Andy Thomson and Sally Rogan – Storyboarding in UX: A visual tool to bring complex research to life

Always a fan of the workshop format, and big believers in the power of storytelling this looks like a great session to learn a new method.

15.45Raimonda Sidaraite and Gintarė Venzlauskaitė – Trauma-informed practices for ethical UX research and design

Ethical design and trauma-informed practices are key to delivering the right products and services to improve and enhance society. We can’t wait to learn from our friends @Uservision about their experiences of approaching vital human interactions.

Day 3

10.00Rachel McConnell -Create brilliant work together: Integrating content design into your multi-discipline team

Who doesn’t want to create brilliant work together??? Content design as always been a key role in user experience so we are looking forward to a great session about closer collaboration between content design and UX teams.

11.30Leah Lockhart and Dr Kieran Cutting – Imagining feminist technology futures: A workshop to creatively deconstruct harmful design and imagine alternative futures

With so many products and services perpetuating the issues of bias and discrimination we see across society I can’t wait for this workshop! This workshop is a chance to imagine a better future for all. With a cap of only 40 participants for the session you may want to get there early!

12.30Sam Rhynas – Harmonising data and design

We are big fans of Effini and Sam Rhynas. As an expert in data, she always manages to put the seriously complex into real world terms so you can learn a huge amount. The future must be about harmonising data and design so not one to miss.

14.05Laura Dalrymple – You should already know that’: Defensive Practice in Agile/UCD environments

Having seen Laura at Service Design Scotland 2023, I can’t wait for her full session at UX Scotland. Providing deep insight in to the emotional impact of Defensive Practice as well as the functional impact this session helps provide perspective and enable psychological safety.

15.15Rose Clarkson – Finding the Mother Tree: Lessons on inclusion from the forest

With a line like ‘Inspired by nature, tested on humans.’ This seems the perfect way to round off the three days of all things UX. I also believe there is a lot to learn from trees, forest and environments to show us a better way to design outcomes with a system thinking approach.

Come and see us on our stand!

If you aren’t at one of the amazing sessions, why not pop by our stand in the exhibition hall. Our UX Specialists will be there all week to talk about research, strategy, design and delivery. Plus we have handy notebooks for you to sketch or take notes. And of course, we will be bringing some plant pals again so come and get a succulent, sunflower or tomato plant to grow at home. You can also ask us ‘How many tomato plants you can get out of one supermarket tomato………?’

Want to know more?

To learn more about the event programme and to buy tickets, visit

Esther Stringer

Esther is our Managing Director and Research lead at Border Crossing UX.