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The speaker and slides during the "Clinicians in pain: Diagnosing and treating problem tech in A&E" case study presentation.

Human connection through user-centred design

At Border Crossing UX we deeply care about making sure any service we work on is as simple to use as possible and quickly meets the need of the user. This is especially important for people dealing with potentially frustrating or stressful situations. 

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Are you going to UX Scotland 2024?

As the sun shines on Edinburgh that can only mean one thing – its UX Scotland time and we are delighted to  be sponsoring this year’s event from the 29th -31st of May 2024. Here are our key highlights for the 3 days of amazing talks and workshops.

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Learning facilitation by being a participant

In this post, we’ll discuss how being a participant of a workshop can improve your facilitation skills. Any practical knowledge and expertise is strengthened by remembering what it feels like to be part of the experience. That’s why we truly think that this role reversal is something every user centred designer should regularly do.

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People don’t care about your digital transformation – they just want their $#!T to work!

It might seem like a bold choice to give a talk about how people don’t care about digital transformation at a Digital Transformation Summit, but as an expert in User Research, Esther Stringer knows the importance of ensuring stakeholder buy in and giving users what they really want and need – something that works. This post gives an overview of the talk and its key takeawys.

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Participants interacting with our stand at Service Design in Government

Reflections from Service Design in Government 

Attending Service Design in Government was extremely valuable for gaining advice, understanding and practical strategies for working within large and complex organisations.

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12 must read books recommended at Lean Agile Scotland

Reflecting on Lean Agile Scotland, we wanted to take a deeper look at some of the topics from the talks. We’ve compiled a list of top recommended books endorsed by experts in the field during Lean Agile Scotland, perfect for professionals across various sectors, and invite you to explore these valuable resources with us.

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Translating engagement event outputs into actionable deliverables

In this post, we’ll provide an overview of two key outputs that were developed following an engagement event, focussing on why and how these key deliverables were produced. We’ll also detail the additional links and resources that we benefited from throughout this project.

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Helping NHS Highland launch a citizen-centred website

Following a competitive tendering process, Factory 73 was engaged to develop a new website for NHS Highland. As long-term partners, we were asked to help ensure a user centred approach was maintained throughout the design and development process.

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A fresh new brand strategy for Family Journeys

We’re incredibly pleased to announce that over the coming months, we’ll be working on a new brand strategy and user-centred design project for Family Journeys. This initiative is part of our commitment to strengthen and support the communities we live in by providing pro-bono services to local charities and public sector organisations.

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Designing and facilitating an engagement event for Sandyford

Sandyford Sexual Health Service wanted to explore key recommendations following a needs assessment of those who support adults with a learning disability on the topic of relationships and sexual health.

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Conference stand showing plant set up

How potted plants transformed our conference sponsorship and sustainability journey

Explore how we redefined conference sponsorship and captivated attendees with our simple and unique approach to conference merch – potted plants. Through trial and error, we discovered how sustainability can thrive alongside business success.

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Developing representative and actionable proto-personas for NHS Highland

In the course of a recent project for NHS Highland we were asked to translate ‘discovery’ research into a set of representative and actionable proto-personas.

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