Even though we’re a micro-company we’ve always been committed to operating a sustainable and environmentally responsible company. Over the past 15-years this has influenced everything. From the clients we’ve worked with, to the coffee we buy.
So, as a MRS Company Partner, we’re proud to have signed the MRS Climate Pledge.
On the 5 June 2024, the Market Research Society (MRS) launched the new MRS Climate Pledge (replacing the MRS Net Zero Pledge):
“Human-driven climate change is a problem which can no longer be ignored. We acknowledge that our businesses, and the insight sector in general, have a key role to play in the transformations needed to create a sustainable future. Our organisation commits to the four MRS pillars of Climate Action as an annual framework to move towards net zero as soon as we reasonably can.”
The MRS Climate Pledge
By signing the pledge, Border Crossing UX commits to the four MRS pillars of Climate Action as an annual framework to move towards net zero as soon as we reasonably can. The four MRS Climate Pillars we’ve committed to are:
We commit to calculating our carbon emissions each year and making improvements in data collection and calculation processes, to support greater data quality in the long-term.
We commit to making tangible changes each year that should result in year-on-year reductions (per staff member) – in emissions (measured in tCO2) and energy use.
We commit to completing the MRS’ Annual Climate Pledge Tracking Survey and disclosing our annual carbon footprint and a summary of reduction actions.
We commit to supporting conversations and call outs by staff, partners and clients about environmental concerns and viewpoints.
Our approach to achieving Net Zero
You can learn more about:
Our baseline emissions and how we aim to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2030 by reading our carbon reduction plan (last updated: 30th July 2024).
Our approach to sponsoring conferences and delighting participants who visited our stand as sustainably as possible.
10 digital tips for a greener future provides a brief overview of simple things we can all do to reduce our digital carbon footprints.
Want to learn more about the MRS Climate Pledge?
MRS Climate Pledge Signatories
The MRS Guide on Getting to Net Zero
Want to learn more about science-based targets?
Science-Based Targets (Green Element Group)
Useful resources for micro-companies and SMEs
Carbon Footprint calculator for UK Businesses (SSE)
Business Carbon Calculator (Normative)
PDF Download: Carbon reduction plan template (UK Government)
About the Market Research Society
The Market Research Society (MRS) is the UK professional body for research, insight and analytics.
We recognise 5,000 individual members and over 500 accredited Company Partners in over 50 countries who are committed to delivering outstanding insight.
As the regulator, we promote the highest professional standards throughout the sector via the MRS Code of Conduct.