Pokémon Go or more likely Stop? (When good games stall)

It’s the game of the Summer: Pokémon Go. After a couple of weeks of heavy ‘testing’ (or more accurately desperately collecting Eevees) I’ve realised that I spend more time on Pokémon Stop than Go. So, why is everyone talking about it?

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Mobile UX – user adoption, retention and growth

Last month I presented my thoughts on Mobile User Experience (UX) at Mobile Scotland 2016. I shared my 3 golden rules of how to deliver a great mobile user experience: 1. Keep it simple; 2. Be personal and; 3. Knowing when to stop.

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Mobile User Experience (UX) Design Links & Resources: May 2016

Here’s our round-up of the useful Mobile UX Design links: May 2016. Great actionable advice from some of the best in the industry. This month features articles from Google, UIE, Nielson Norman Group, and Apple. Happy reading!

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Mobile user experience (UX) for journey planning apps

The latest versions of Transport for Edinburgh’s (TfE) journey planning apps are available to download from the App Store and Google Play. Shameless plugs aside we wanted to share what it’s been like working with Lothian Buses’ team.

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Esther Stringer talking at Eventit 2016

User centred design matters: user experience for events

We were asked to present a Learning Zone session at EventIt 2016. Find out how applying user centred design techniques will improve the experience of your events attendees, exhibitors and sponsors – throughout the event lifecycle.

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UX design techniques: red routing and top tasks

In the age of the consumer, it is vital for companies who conduct business online to identify their user’s goals.  By pinpointing the key tasks that people want to carry out on your website, you are establishing your ‘Red Routes’ or ‘Top Tasks’.

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Using personas for your digital transformation

A persona is a representation of a user. A good persona should be based on interviews with real customers.  A persona then has the ability to help design teams empathise with the user and appreciate their frustrations and difficulties.

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Digital Transformation 2016: Transform or Evolve?

Digital Transformation 2016 was one of those awesome events when a bunch talented people get together and talk. In our breakout session I shared how to understand a problem fully before starting to design the right solution.

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UX Design Techniques: Introduction to Storyboarding

A storyboard is a method in which to illustrate the interaction between a person and a product. They allow a team to visually map out and specify how a user interacts and reacts to a product whilst considering additional external factors.

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Is your booking process helping or hindering your business?

Living in the digital age, a restaurant’s website has become the customers first point of contact. So, it is vital that it is user friendly and easy to navigate. The online booking system should be fool proof. But how often are they?

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UX Design Links & Resources: January 2016 Round-up

Here’s our round-up of the useful and interesting User Experience (UX) Design links from January 2016. This month’s insights from UX Booth, Conversion XL, Nielson Norman Group and the Baymard Institute. Happy reading!

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UX Design Links & Resources: December 2015

Here’s our round-up of the useful and interesting User Experience (UX) Design links from December 2015. This month’s articles and insights from A List Apart, Nielson Norman Group, Google Ventures and UX Booth. Happy reading!

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