Pokémon Go or more likely Stop? (When good games stall)

It’s the game of the Summer: Pokémon Go. After a couple of weeks of heavy ‘testing’ (or more accurately desperately collecting Eevees) I’ve realised that I spend more time on Pokémon Stop than Go. So, why is everyone talking about it?

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Mobile UX – user adoption, retention and growth

Last month I presented my thoughts on Mobile User Experience (UX) at Mobile Scotland 2016. I shared my 3 golden rules of how to deliver a great mobile user experience: 1. Keep it simple; 2. Be personal and; 3. Knowing when to stop.

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Esther Stringer talking at Eventit 2016

User centred design matters: user experience for events

We were asked to present a Learning Zone session at EventIt 2016. Find out how applying user centred design techniques will improve the experience of your events attendees, exhibitors and sponsors – throughout the event lifecycle.

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Digital Transformation 2016: Transform or Evolve?

Digital Transformation 2016 was one of those awesome events when a bunch talented people get together and talk. In our breakout session I shared how to understand a problem fully before starting to design the right solution.

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Is your booking process helping or hindering your business?

Living in the digital age, a restaurant’s website has become the customers first point of contact. So, it is vital that it is user friendly and easy to navigate. The online booking system should be fool proof. But how often are they?

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The rise of user experience: is a little knowledge a dangerous thing?

Over the last 12 months we’ve noticed a substantial spike in the demand for our services. This indicates that there’s increasing buy-in from senior decision makers. Which isn’t surprising given the increasing prominence of user experience (or UX).

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The Apple customer experience: a story of innovation and iteration

Apple have a track record of going against the grain. But what’s interesting is that they’ve always been willing to take business risks. Not just with their hardware and software but the customer experience they deliver.

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Is your online business helping or hindering your offline business?

Making the right impression first time whether online and offline is the best way to drive sales. The way that customers now interact with retail companies using both online and offline touch points mean it is vital to ensure you have a consistent experience.

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It all started with fish and chips

Following the final session of UX Scotland 2013 I was confronted with two hungry speakers, Andrew Zusman and Avi Itzkovich, who were searching for the best fish and chips they could find.

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Google Apps our transition experience

We recently received our notification that important changes were happening to Google Apps. This means our Google Apps accounts are being transitioned to Google Account infrastructure.

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Will Amazon Flexible Payments ever reach Europe?

Amazon Web Service’s Flexible Payments Service (FPS) allows you to accept payments on your website. It supports the processing of payments using credit cards, bank accounts and Amazon Payments account balances.

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Are you getting value for money from your hosting provider?

The truth is some hosting providers are great, and some are downright awful. We primarily use Amazon Web Services (AWS) for our hosting.

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