Proud to sign The Aura Working Well Together Charter

Good working relationships are the basis of our business. That is why we are proud to sign The Aura Working Well Together Charter.

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The speaker and slides during the "Clinicians in pain: Diagnosing and treating problem tech in A&E" case study presentation.

Human connection through user-centred design

At Border Crossing UX we deeply care about making sure any service we work on is as simple to use as possible and quickly meets the need of the user. This is especially important for people dealing with potentially frustrating or stressful situations. 

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Are you going to UX Scotland 2024?

As the sun shines on Edinburgh that can only mean one thing – its UX Scotland time and we are delighted to  be sponsoring this year’s event from the 29th -31st of May 2024. Here are our key highlights for the 3 days of amazing talks and workshops.

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People don’t care about your digital transformation – they just want their $#!T to work!

It might seem like a bold choice to give a talk about how people don’t care about digital transformation at a Digital Transformation Summit, but as an expert in User Research, Esther Stringer knows the importance of ensuring stakeholder buy in and giving users what they really want and need – something that works. This post gives an overview of the talk and its key takeawys.

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User Research and Testing with Children

Remember the old adage: “Never work with animals or children”? Well here’s a high-level overview of how to successfully conduct user research and testing with children.

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UX Scotland Here We Come

UX Scotland 2014 announced their call for speakers a few months ago. Even though things have been incredibly hectic of late we knew we had to make the time to get something together for this year’s conference.

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How to plan a successful website or redesign

Businesses often throw themselves into web design or web development projects. It may take a while for it to happen but once a project is green-lit there’s normally a mad scramble to compile requirements, source quotes and kick-off the project as quickly as possible.

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Why we always ask questions at the start of a project?

In a previous post, What is getting tacked on to your brief?, I outlined some of the problems we are increasingly coming across in the briefs we receive. This is a universal problem that doesn’t just affect us.

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Do we really need the user research & usability testing?

This is a question we are often asked by prospective clients. Normally a quick conversation is enough to convey its importance and the fundamental role it plays in the design and technical projects we undertake.

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Our approach to collaborating on a design

We always prefer to work with a design team throughout a project but when this isn’t possible we’ll provide as much help as we can. More often than not this entails providing guidelines and prototypes that showcase potential improvements.

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