With only 2 days until the big event we had to share the big man’s persona from our Service Design workshop with SANTA Inc. With more names than most and nearly a millennium of spreading goodwill and cheer at Christmas, Santa Claus needs to stay on top of his game.
For centuries Santa has been market leader in Christmas Experiences and gift giving. With the new entrants in the market and population growth across the World Santa needs to ensure that his service still has a competitive advantage. Therefore we took a look at his current strengths and weaknesses and bench marked them against his competitors to identify new ideas and innovations for SANTA Inc that will keep them ahead of the curve.
By automating and crowd sourcing both the tracking of niceness across the 1.9billion children around the World Santa will be able to focus on his YouTube campaigns and developing his brand further. Hopefully his content marketing will encourage more nice children and Christmas Spirit in 2016 – we look forward to reporting back on the results.

Merry UXmas and Happy New Year from all of us at Border Crossing Media and SANTA Inc!