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User Research and Testing with Children

Remember the old adage: “Never work with animals or children”? Well here’s a high-level overview of how to successfully conduct user research and testing with children.

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UX Scotland is just around the corner

UX Scotland 2014 kicks off in a couple of weeks with a series of workshops which will be followed by the 2 day conference. Last year’s conference was a great experience; much was learnt and many friends were made.

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It all started with fish and chips

Following the final session of UX Scotland 2013 I was confronted with two hungry speakers, Andrew Zusman and Avi Itzkovich, who were searching for the best fish and chips they could find.

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UX Scotland Here We Come

UX Scotland 2014 announced their call for speakers a few months ago. Even though things have been incredibly hectic of late we knew we had to make the time to get something together for this year’s conference.

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SEO & Anchor Links: Updated Advice

Up until recently it was considered a search engine optimisation (SEO) best practice to optimise the anchor text (the specific text used to create a link) in use on your web pages and blog posts by including keywords you wish to rank for.

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UX Training: Border Crossing Media teams up with Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce

The Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce delivers a broad range of training courses and services aimed at SME’s. They recently announced that they were looking to develop some new training and development courses.

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The Creative Exchange, Responsive Design & more

We’ve been busy bees here at Border Crossing Media moving to our new office, building a responsive design website for ourselves and much, much more….

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