Service design for SANTA Inc. – Rudolf from Logistics

This autumn we were commissioned by a family company run out of the North Pole. Whilst they have been delivering Christmas cheer for centuries they were concerned by the wave of internet disruption to their traditional business model.

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Service Design for the Business Gateway Edinburgh

The Business Gateway wanted to identify how they could deliver the most relevant products, services and support to micro-businesses in Edinburgh. We helped them map and design better services for these key Clients.

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UX Design Links and Resources: August 2015

Here’s our round-up of the useful and interesting User Experience (UX) Design links from August 2015. This month’s articles and insights from Thought works, Nielson Norman Group, Google Ventures and UX Matters. Happy reading!

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A beginner’s guide to pre-launch landing pages

In an ideal world we’d all like to launch a beautiful, complete and bug-free product, on-time to a captive audience of prospective customers. But the truth is you’re more likely to launch a buggy product or service late to your pals.

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Planning an effective website – where should you start?

Building effective websites can be tricky. Getting an awesome website that does what you want, fulfils your user’s needs and looks great can be like tightrope walking. So how do you know how to balance on the rope? It’s all in the planning.

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The rise of user experience: is a little knowledge a dangerous thing?

Over the last 12 months we’ve noticed a substantial spike in the demand for our services. This indicates that there’s increasing buy-in from senior decision makers. Which isn’t surprising given the increasing prominence of user experience (or UX).

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The Apple customer experience: a story of innovation and iteration

Apple have a track record of going against the grain. But what’s interesting is that they’ve always been willing to take business risks. Not just with their hardware and software but the customer experience they deliver.

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Customer mapping: the basics

Customer mapping or customer journey mapping is key to delivering an excellent customer experience, whether you operate online or not. It allows you to identify what your customers need, desire and feel when they interact with your company.

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User Experience Talk for Up Techmedia Accelerator

Last week we delivered an introduction to user research and user experience for an incredibly talented and committed bunch of entrepreneurs from UP Techmedia Accelerator. Based at the Creative Exchange Leith, the remit was to make UX inspiring.

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User Research and Testing with Children

Remember the old adage: “Never work with animals or children”? Well here’s a high-level overview of how to successfully conduct user research and testing with children.

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It all started with fish and chips

Following the final session of UX Scotland 2013 I was confronted with two hungry speakers, Andrew Zusman and Avi Itzkovich, who were searching for the best fish and chips they could find.

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