SEO & Anchor Links: Updated Advice

Up until recently it was considered a search engine optimisation (SEO) best practice to optimise the anchor text (the specific text used to create a link) in use on your web pages and blog posts by including keywords you wish to rank for.

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UX Training: Border Crossing Media teams up with Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce

The Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce delivers a broad range of training courses and services aimed at SME’s. They recently announced that they were looking to develop some new training and development courses.

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The Creative Exchange, Responsive Design & more

We’ve been busy bees here at Border Crossing Media moving to our new office, building a responsive design website for ourselves and much, much more….

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The Joy of UX – A Drum Magazine Special

‘The Joy of UX’ is a Drum Magazine Special Report that was published last month.  The guide features the UK’s leading practitioners, including our own François Roshdy.

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Why create a sitemap when planning a new website?

A sitemap is a visual representation of a website or application’s structure. It should clearly communicate how all the information is organised.If you are commissioning a new website or a redesign then you should include one in your brief. 

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How to manage comments and reduce spam

In the past month three different website administrators have asked us whether or not they should remove the ability to leave a comment on their blog posts.

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How to plan a successful website or redesign

Businesses often throw themselves into web design or web development projects. It may take a while for it to happen but once a project is green-lit there’s normally a mad scramble to compile requirements, source quotes and kick-off the project as quickly as possible.

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Beginner’s guide to tracking a marketing campaign

Tagging your marketing campaigns can help you measure their return on investment. Given how easy it is to do this for your online campaigns there’s no excuse not to apply these techniques to your offline campaigns too.

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Our work for Cuba Casa

The founder of Cuba Casa, knew how hard it was to book casa (hostel) accommodation in Cuba online. He wanted to change this and make booking a casa in Cuba a simple and painless experience. 

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Getting website content ready for a release date

Producing the content required for our recent redesign has reaffirmed a simple rule – content will always take longer then you think to produce.

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