Focus on the markets and segments that matter most.

Identifying target markets and then segmenting them in as meaningful a way as possible is a key part of any robust product, service, or campaign design process. As you can’t design, market or sell anything effectively without knowing who’s needs you are addressing and what is most likely to appeal and convert those specific people. 

So, identifying your target markets and how these should be segmented is a key strategic decision that’s likely to influence success or failure. That’s why clients choose us to conduct the research and analysis required to select target markets and segment them effectively.

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What is target market analysis and customer segmentation?

Target market analysis and selection is a process that is focussed on identifying the specific groups of people or organisations that are most likely to use or purchase a product or service. Once you have identified all relevant groups these should then be prioritised into primary and secondary target markets.

Dividing a target market into segments means going a step further and grouping people or organisations according to the key characteristics that drive their purchasing decisions. Again, these should be prioritised. 

Successful target market selection and customer segmentation is dependent on:

  • Defining pragmatic total addressable (TAM), serviceable available (SAM), and obtainable market share (SOM) estimates
  • Conducting robust and diligent primary and secondary research
  • Identifying meaningful ways to cluster, group, and sub-segment
  • Defining valid criteria to prioritise markets and segments
  • Effectively communicating key findings and priorities to internal stakeholders

When done successfully target market analysis and customer segmentation provides a deeper understanding of where, who, and what your team should be focussing on.

For over 10 years, our user centred approach to target market analysis and customer segmentation has helped a broad range of clients minimise risk and get to market faster.

Target Market TAM SAM SOM diagram. A dark blue circle is within a light blue circle which is within a circle that only has a dashed outline and no fill.
Target Market TAM SAM SOM diagram

Key benefits of target market analysis and customer segmentation

Establish a shared understanding of potential customers.
Identity and address unmet needs and pain points.
Increase the return on investment of marketing and sales campaigns.

What do I get?

In the course of a target market analysis and customer segmentation project we are likely to generate the following outputs and deliverables:
  • Target market and customer segmentation report
  • Proto-personas, personas, and/or archetypes
  • Jobs to be done or top tasks analysis
  • Research and insights log
  • Research plan 
  • Stakeholder map
  • Assumptions and facts map
  • Project plan

Pricing and turn-around times

Secondary research-led projects


£15,000 (exc. VAT).

Minimum turn-around time:

Up to 4-weeks.

Primary research-led projects


£30,000 (exc. VAT).

Minimum turn-around time:

Up to 16-weeks.

What our clients think

Want to work with us too?

Discuss your desired outcomes with a user experience specialist.

How do you approach target market selection and customer segmentation?

Our user centred approach to target market selection and customer segmentation ensures we:

1. Define objectives, priorities, and constraints

  • Kick-off workshop
  • Measurements of success framework
  • Project plan and schedule

2. Understand context

  • Stakeholder mapping
  • Review source material
  • Stakeholder interviews

3. Conduct research and analysis

  • Market research and analysis
  • Competitor research and analysis
  • User research and interviews

4. Collaborate and generate

  • Target market selection and segmentation workshop(s)
  • Prioritisation and roadmapping workshop(s)
  • Archetype development workshops(s)

5. Document, communicate, and support

  • Target market and customer segmentation report and presentation(s)
  • Archetypes
  • Research and insights log

Find product/market-fit faster by adopting a research-led approach to target market selection and customer segmentation.

Interested in target market analysis and segmentation?

Discuss your specific requirements with a user experience specialist.